Dinamo defeated Telavi with big score

Today, Erovnuli Liga 32nd  round match was held at Dinamo Arena, in which Dinamo hosted Telavi. The first and two dangerous moments of the match in the 10th minute were recorded by the hosts in the asset. At first Nodar Kavtaradze shot and his shot was blocked by Levan Tandilashvili, then Barnes Osei hit the defender. On the 16th minute, Milan Radin's shot missed the visitors' goal from a short distance. Dinamo methodically increased the pressure on the opponent and after a while Levan Tandilashvili had to save the Kakheti from goal once again, he repelled Nodar Kavtaradze's shot on the corner. The score was opened by the hosts on the 40th minute. Milan Radin scored a free kick and rolled the ball into the Telavi goal net. Dinamo won the first half with the score 1-0. The second half was resumed with the activity of the guests, however, the case did not reach the real goal moment. Dinamo scored the second goal on the 72nd minute of the match. Levan Kharabadze finished the solo raid with an accurate shot from the penalty spot 2-0. Zoran Marusic scored his next goal on 90th minute and was promoted among bombardiers. During additional time Dinamo offered a nice combination to the fans who arrived at the stadium, while Giorgi Moistrapishvili made the final score of the match 4-0 with an effective goal.


Dinamo 4-0 Telavi

Goal: 1-0 Radin 40 '2-0 Kharabadze 72' 3-0 Marusic 90 '4-0 Moistrapishvili 94'

Booked: Patsatsia 54 'Tolordava 89' 

Dinamo: Prieto, Khvadagiani, Papava, Gbegnon, Mekvabishvili, Kharabadze (Moistsrapishvili 86), Sporkslede, Radin (Kardava 62), Osei (Morchiladze 74), Kavtaradze (Kutsia 74), Marusic

Telavi: Tandilashvili, Patsatsia, Tevzadze, Tolordava, Shergelashvili, Janelidze, M. Bashaleishvili (Marakvelidze 78), Ashortia (Jikia 81), Chogadze (Junior 58), Shekiladze (Rukhadze 58), Chukvura (Ardazishvili 58)


Referee: I.Kvirikashvili

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