Dinamo Tbilisi 4:0 Torpedo

Dinamo Tbilisi started the 2022 season with an important victory. Kakha Tskhadadze's team played against FC Kutaisi Torpedo at Dinamo Arena and defeated the rival with big score - 4:0.


The first goal was scored on 29th minute, after Barnes Osei's shot, the ball went to Giorgi Moistrapishvili and the young attacker scored from close range. Dinamo managed to increase the score soon, on the 31st minute Stanislav Bilenkyi played well after Barnes Osei’s shot and scored the second goal. During the rest of the first half, our team created a few more moments, but the score did not change.


In the second half, the game was played in a similar scenario, with Dinamo having the advantage. The score was increased on the 65th minute by Simon Gbegnon after a corner kick. Dinamo continued to put pressure on the rival, the attacks had result on the last minute of the match, with a beautiful shot from the penalty area, Ousmane Camara scored and recorded the final result of the match 4:0.


See lineup and information about Dinamo-Torpedo match on the link .


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