Dinamo 3:2 Telavi

Today, Erovnuli Liga 16th round match was held at Dinamo Arena, in which Dinamo hosted Telavi.


The hosts started the match actively and missed two chances to score in the beginning of the match. Dinamo attacked more from the wings, which was followed by a goal on 28th minute of the match. Tornike Kirkitadze played actively and Vazha Aptsiauri scored auto-goal as a result. Telavi managed to restore the status quo in ten minutes. Imeda Ashortia used the penalty near the penalty line of Dinamo and scored 1-1. On 43rd minute of the match, the hosts kicked thrice, but defenders played well. Soon after that, Ousmane Camara attacked from left wing, passed and Tornike Kirkitadze scored with exact kick -1:2. The first half finished with this score.  


The second half continued with the same scenario. Dinamo was actively attacking, while the opponent was waiting for its chance on the counterattack, which it practically used. On 78th minute Giorgi Khabuliani was face to face with the goalkeeper and equalized the score. Before that, Dinamo could not use several goal episodes. Our team did not stop after the missed goal and reached the final result. In the time compensated by the referee, Stanislav Bilenkyi technically handled the ball in the penalty area and scored the final goal 3-2. Dinamo will hold the next match on June 16 in Tskaltubo. 


Line up and match protocol




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