Dinamo’s victory in Telavi

Today Erovnuli Liga 25th round match was held at Caucasus Arena, in which FC Telavi hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi.


Dinamo started the match actively and on the first minute they scored a dangerous free kick. On the 5th minute, the score was opened. Tornike Kirkitadze continued the active play of Davit Skhirtladze at high speed, entered the penalty area and passed to Oulad Omar Imran, and the Dutch midfielder scored a goal 0-1 with an accurate shot. On the 29th minute of the match, a dangerous attack by the hosts, Davit Kereselidze catches the ball at the last second, and then Saba Khvadagiani played well. Dinamo’s goalkeeper was injured and Luka Kutaladze substituted him. At the end of the first half, Dinamo should have scored another goal, but in the end Tornike Kirkitadze's technical shot was saved by the goalkeeper. In response, a quick attack by Telavi players and Beka Kavtaradze restored the balance to 1-1 and halftime was over.


In the beginning of the second half, Luka Sanikidze saved his team from Imran’s shot. Dinamo gained a playing priority and increased their attacks. Several times they provided a corner with the crossbar, but without result. Attacks had result on the 70th minute, Imran took Tornike Kirkitadze face to face with the goalkeeper with a long pass and Dinamo scored 1-2. On the 83rd minute of the match, Stanislav Bilenki could have scored another goal, but he could not reach the ball at the last second. In the end, nothing changed and Dinamo won. Our team will play the next match against FC Samgurali on September 10 at Dinamo Arena.


Match protocol and line up




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