Dinamo defeated Saburtalo - 3:1

Today, Crystalbet Erovnuli Liga 32nd round match was held at Dinamo Arena, in which FC Dinamo hosted FC Saburtalo.


Both teams started the match at a high pace and exchanged semi-dangerous moments. The visitors opened the score on 20th minute with Irakli Sikharulidze’s header. In a few minutes our team answered the rival with goal. Ousmane Camara scored 1-1. In several minutes Dinamo could not use another favorable moment. Davit Skhirtladze could not reach Tornike Kirkitadze's pass at the last moment. On 36th minute of the match, Oulad Imran should have scored from a close range, but goalkeeper played well. In the next attack, Giorgi Moistsrapishvili kicked inexactly. It should be noted that after equalizing the score, the home team completely gained the priority. Nothing changed in the first half.

From the second half, Dinamo strengthened its advantage and Ousmane Camara scored a double with a strong shot. On 56th minute, the guest team was left with ten players on the field. After a while Giorgi Moistsrapishvili played technically well and recorded the final result of the match 3-1. Giorgi Tchiabryshvili's team scored another 3 points and is on the first place in the tournament table. Dinamo will play the next match in Zestafoni. On November 2, our team will compete with FC Torpedo in Georgian Cup semi-final.


Match report




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