Another victory of Dinamo-2


Dinamo-2 competed with FC Skuri Tsalenjikha in Pirveli Liga X round match. The match which took place at Vitali Daraselia Dinamo Football academy finished with the victory of our team-6:1.

Our players gained priority in the beginning of the match. Dinamo-2 had chance to score for several times on the first minutes of the match. Malkhaz Zhvania’s team scored the first goal on 27th minute of the match. Dinamo—2’s captain Bidzina Makharoblidze became author of the goal-1:0. On 32nd minute Nika Diasamidze increased the score to 2:0.

Dinamo-2 started the second half more actively. On 47th minute our team scored the third goal. Nika Diasamidze gave pass to Budu Zivzivadze who scored-3:0. On 66th minute Dinamo player MIkheil Jishkariani kicked from penalty area and increased score to 4:0. On 72nd minute Buba Rukhadze scored the fifth goal-5:0. On 78th minute our rival scored their first goal. Teimuraz Puntukhia kicked from right wing and Gela Chkuaseli scored-5:1. The final result of the match was recorded by Bidzina Makharoblidze on 84th minute-6:1.

Malkhaz Zhvania’s team won the fourth match and is on the 5th position in Pirveli Liga timetable with 16 points gained from 10 matches.

Dinamo-2 6:1 Skuri

Goals: 1:0 Makharoblidze 27’

2:0 Diasamidze 32’

3:0 Zivzivadze 47’

4:0 Jishkariani 66’ (pen)

5:0 Rukhadze 72’

5:1 Chkuaseli 78’

6:1 Makharoblidze 84’

Dinamo-2: Tkeshelashvili, Bachaishvili, Giorgi Lobzhanidze, Shergelashvili, Otarashvili, Sarishvili, Saba Lobzhanidze (Kitovani 28’), Makharoblidze, Zivzivadze (Matiashvili 70’), Jishkariani (Rukhadze 66’), Diasamidze


Skuri: Kologua, Bojgua, Kurua, Kvartskhava, Mikenia, Kalandia (Kvirkvia 75’), Khojanashvili, Sartania (Gharibashvili 73’), Rapava, Purtukhia, Morgoshia (Chkuaseli 55’)

Booked: Diasamidze 85’-Bojgua 62’

Sent off: Kvartskhava 65’

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