Dinamo 2 is the winner of Liga 3

Vladimer Kakashvili's team, along with the ticket to Liga 2 already won a few rounds earlier, brought the matter to the end and became the winner of the draw.


In the last match of the championship, the residents of Dinamo-2 played against FC Chikhura Sachkhere in Ivantsminda and defeated the rival with a big score. Nika Ugrekhelidze scored the first goal in the debut of the match. On 32nd minute, Nika Kokosadze increased the lead of the visitors to two. At the end of the half, Tornike Morchiladze scored the third goal against Chikhura and literally decided the fate of the match. On 68th minute of the match, Nika Kokosadze scored a double. The hosts scored a prestige goal on the 83rd minute with Giorgi Sadghobelashvili's activity 1-4 and the match was over.


With this victory, Dinamo players collected 71 points in the championship and won gold medals. Vladimir Kakashvili's team will start the next season in National League 2.


Match report





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