Victory in home match

National championship XIV round match took place at Dinamo Arena. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Sioni Bolnisi and defeated the rival with the score 5:2. The host team tried to gain priority in the beginning of the match and managed it. On 12th minute Giorgi Gvelesiani received the ball from corner and tried to score with header, although Mirza Merlani saved his team. In the next episode Jaba Jighauri passed from right wing to Giorgi Guruli who scored - 1:0 in favor of Dinamo. In three minutes Jaba Jighauri’s kick was repelled by Sioni’s door log. After 30 minutes from the beginning of the match Giorgi Kvilitaia had chance to score from short distance but defender played well. In two minutes he was stopped by Davit Svanidze who received a red card. Aleksandre Iashvili kicked technically well but Merlani approached the ball. In the next attack Lasha Parunashvili passed to Otar Kiteishvili who kicked but the log saved Sioni again. In the end of the first half goalkeeper saved our rival once more when repelled Otar Kiteishvili’s kick.

Dinamo started the second half with second goal. Aleksandre Iashvili’s and Otar Kiteishvili’s nice combination finished with Giorgi Kvilitaia’s 11th goal in the current season. On 54th minute Giorgi Vasadze scored 2:1. On 62nd minute Lasha Parunashvili passed to Giorgi Guruli who performed double 3:1. On 70th minute Otar Kiteishvili kicked from corner, Giorgi Gvelesiani received the ball and changed its direction; Rene Fereira played well and scored his first goal in Dinamo. On 77th the ball touched Giorgi Guruli’s hand and referee appointed penalty shot. Varlam Kilasonia kicked it exactly and scored the second goal in favor of Sioni 4:2. On 83rd minute Saba Lobzhanidze who substituted Kiteishvili scored the fifth goal. Soon Lobzhanidze kicked again but Merlani repelled. Finally Dinamo gained another three points and won all the home matches in the first stage. On December 12 our team will play the last round match in Kobuleti against FC Shukura.

Dinamo 5:2 Sioni

Goal: 1:0 Guruli 13’ 2:0 Kvilitaia 47’ 2:1 Vasadze 54’ 3:1 Guruli 62’ 4:1 Rene 70’ 4:2 Kilasonia (pen) 77’ 5:2 Lobzhanidze 83’

Booked: Kvilitaia 45’ Otarashvili 86’

Sent off: Svanidze 32’

Dinamo: Hrdlicka, Kakabadze, Rene, Gvelesiani, Guruli, Tsintsadze (Janelidze 65), Parunashvili, Jighauri, Kiteishvili (Lobzhanidze 75), Iashvili, Kvilitaia (Arabuli 62)

Sioni: Merlani, Svanidze, Popkhadze, Kilasonia, Gaphrindashvili, Giorbelidze (Vasadze 46), Gogoberishvili, Razmadze, Manjgaladze, Isiani (Otarashvili 73), Ugulava (Sajaia 38)

Referee: G.Vadatchkoria



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