Victory in hard match

Today Chele Arena in Kobuleti hosted national championship 22nd round match. FC Dinamo Batumi and FC Dinamo Tbilisi competed with each other. Otar Kakabadze returned to our team on right wing after several months pause. The host team started the match actively and Libor Hrdlicka had to repel the kick in the beginning. In several minutes our team gained priority in the center and kicked from corner for four times during 15 minutes. Soon Aleksandre Iashvili kicked but the ball overcame Alavidze’s door. On 29th minute Dinamo attacked and Jaba Jighauri scored his12th goal in the current championship.  On 37th minute Giorgi Kvilitaia had chance to score but Alavidze saved his team. On 43rd minute Zaza Tchelidze could score. During the last minutes the host team created several attacks but in vain and the first half finished with the victory of Dinamo Tbilisi. The second half started with substitutions. Dinamo Batumi players Nikola Komazec and Beka Chkuaseli entered the field. Vakho Tchanturishvili substitutes Otar Kakabadze. On 53rd minute Aleksandre Iashvili kicked from corner and Giorgi Gvelesiani had chance to score but kicked inexactly. Soon Valerian Tevdoradze kicked from long distance and the door log saved our team. The match continued actively and in high speed. On 64th minute Libor Hrdlicka repelled Tevdoradze’s kick on corner. On 72nd minute Archil Tvildiani equalized the score. On 81st minute Alavidze repelled Tchanturishvili’s kick. In the next episode Iashvili could score. On 88th minute Giorgi Guruli kicked from long distance and scored the second goal. In two minutes Jaba Jighauri had chance to score. Finally interesting and strained match finished with the victory of FC Dinamo Tbilisi 2:1. Our team will play the next 23rd round match on April 6 at Dinamo Arena against FC Torpedo Kutaisi.

Dinamo Batumi 1:2 Dinamo Tbilisi

Goal: 0:1 Jighauri 29’ 1:1 Tvildiani 72’ 1:2 Guruli 88’

Booked: Kavtaradze 45’ Komazec 86’

Dinamo Batumi: Alavidze, Tvildiani, Tetunashvili, Gogitidze, Sukhiashvili, Shonia, Poniava, Varshanidze, Kavtaradze (Chkuaseli 46), Tevdoradze (Beriashvili 77), Makatsaria (Komazec 46)

Dinamo Tbilisi: Hrdlicka, Kakabadze (Tchanturishvili 46), Amisulashvili, Gvelesiani, Tevzadze (Guruli 58), Tchelidze, Parunashvili, Kiteishvili, Jighauri, Iashvili, Kvilitaia (Gelashvili 77)

Referee: L.Kvaratskhelia



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