Dinamo won the first leg

Dinamo Arena hosted Davit Kipiani Georgian Cup semi-final match. Our team hosted FC Chikhura Sachkhere and won the first leg match with the score 3:0. The guest team created the first dangerous moment when Marko Vukasovic kicked on the 5th minute and Giorgi Bezhashvili repelled the ball on corner. After several minutes Nikoloz Gabadze also had a good chance to score. After ten minutes from the beginning Dinamo gained priority and Vakho Tchanturishvili scored the first goal from long distance in five minutes. After the goal the game continued in the center. On 39th minute Giorgi Kvilitaia received ball from Vakho Tchanturishvili and passed to Jaba Jighauri. Jighauri kicked but Hamzic repelled the ball. In two minutes Giorgi Tevzadze and Vakho Tchanturishvili created one more dangerous moment. The second half was renewed by substitutions and Chikhura’s dangerous kicks. On 57th minute Dinamo started fast attack, Giorgi Tevzadze passed to Jighauri who scored the second goal 2:0. On 62nd minute Otar Kiteishvili passed to Kvilitaia who scored the third goal 3:0. During the last minutes Davit Megrelishvili had chance to score. Finally Dinamo won the first leg with the score 3:0. The second leg will take place in Ivantsminda on May 5.

Dinamo 3:0 Chikhura

Goal: 1:0 Tchanturishvili 15’ 2:0 Jighauri 57’ 3:0 Kvilitaia 62’

Booked: Gvelesiani 6’ Kvilitaia 51’ Iashvili 54’ Megrelishvili 92’

Dinamo: Begashvili, Amisulashvili, Rene, Gvelesiani (U.Lobzhanidze 46), Parunashvili, Tevzadze, Tchanturishvili, Jighauri, Kiteishvili, Iashvili (Alvaro 77), Kvilitaia (Gelashvili 73)

Chikhura: Hamzic, Megrelishvili, Ganugrava, Kashia, Rekhviashvili, Gabadze (Dekanoidze 46), Kuchukhidze, Koripadze, tchetchelashvili (Lovrechich 46), Vukasovic, Chikvaidze

Referee: L.Silagava



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