Victory against FC Shukura

Dinamo held Crystalbet Erovnuli Liga 24th round match against FC Shukura Kobuleti today. The match was held at the Tbilisi Sea stadium.


From the very first minutes of the match, our team gained priority, but despite numerous attacks, it did not reach a dangerous shot in the first half (if you do not count Moussa Sangare's ball hit by the post). Instead, Shukura made several dangerous counterattacks and opened the score on the 30th minute. Aleko Ananidze hit exactly after the corner. The hosts scored the second goal in the last minute of the first half. Beka Verulidze made it 2-0 with a free kick. Dinamo resumed the second half with three substitutions and a quick goal, Ousmane Camara reduced the difference on the 46th minute. On the 54th minute of the match, a penalty was appointed against Shukura, which Davit Skhirtladze successfully used and the status quo was restored to 2-2. Dinamo attacked with great force, but without success. During additional time Jaduli Iobashvili recorded the final result of the match and Dinamo won the match with the score 2:3.


Andres Carrasco's team will hold the next match on September 16 (there will be a break in the championship before then). Dinamo will host Torpedo.


Match report




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