Dinamo 3:0 Guria

Today 28th national championship 2nd round match took place at Dinamo Arena. The match started with national anthem. On 7th minute Guria footballer Bidzina Tsintsadze kicked from penalty area but the ball went to corner. On 13th minute Tchanturishvili attacked from left wing, although goalkeeper repelled. On 26th minute Giorgi Papunashvili scored after Mikel Alvaro’s good pass on left wing. In four minutes Tchanturishvili scored the second goal. In a minute he could score again, but missed the target. On 35th minute Rati Imerlishvili saved his team from the 3rd goal after Mikel Alvaro’s good kick from short distance. The second half went on in lower speed than the first one. On 58th minute Giorgi Papunashvili attacked but door log saved Guria. In two minutes Matija picic was badly injured and left the field. Giorgi Tevzadze substituted him. In several minutes Jaba Jighauri scored the third goal 3:0. After that nothing has changed and the match finished with the score 3:0. On August 18 our team will play Europa League play-off match against PAOK FC. The match at Dinamo Arena will start at 20:00.

Dinamo 3:0 Guria

Goal: 1:0 Papunashvili 26’ 2:0 Tchanturishvili 30’ 3:0 Jighauri 65’

Booked: Tevzadze 90’


Dinamo: Scribe, Spicic (Tevzadze 62), Rene, Tchelidze, Lobzhanidze, M. Tsintsadze, Parunashvili, Tchanturishvili, Jighauri (Coureur 68), Alvaro (Kiteishvili 46), Papunashvili

Guria: Imerlishvili, Tcheishvili (Diasamidze 69), B. Tsintsadze, Nozadze, Z. Tevzadze, Chaduneli, Megrelishvili, Tchetchelashvili (Stepniashvili 46), Pelipe, Deniz, Tchedia (Morozenko 38)

Referee: D.Kharitonashvili



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