Dinamo won Tbilisi derby with big score

Today 28th national championship 13th round match took place at Dinamo Arena. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Locomotive. The guest team created the first dangerous attack. Locomotive’s fast attack was followed by Luka Zarandia’s kick, but Nukri Revishvili repelled. In response Beka Mikeltadze kicked but missed the target. Dinamo attacked again but missed the chance. Jaba Jighauri played technically well, passed goalkeeper but was a bit inexact. Dinamo scored the first goal on 34th minute. Giorgi Papunashvili received ball from Jaba Jighauri and scored. In the end of the first half Nukri Revishvili played well, when repelled the kick of Lokomotive’s forward. In the beginning of the second half Vakho Tchanturishvili played well. In the last minute defender was faster than Beka Mikeltadze and repelled ball on corner. On 52rd minute Dinamo scored the second goal. Vakho Tchanturishvili appeared alone in front of goalkeeper and scored. On 61st minute Beka Mikeltadze scored the first goal in our team. In several minutes he had chance to score again when received ball from Giorgi Papunashvili, but Revaz Tevdoradze saved his team. On 79th minute Otar Kiteishvili passed to Jaba Jighauri but goalkeeper played well. At this time Giorgi Zaria played well and passed to Jighauri again and our team scored the fourth goal. Akaki Khubutia was active during the last minutes. In the first episode he received ball with head from corner, but missed the target and then Revaz Tevdoradze repelled his strong kick. Finally Tbilisi derby finished with the victory of Dinamo 4:0. Our team will playe the next match on November 26 against local FC Torpedo in Kutaisi.

Dinamo 4:0 Locomotive

Goal: 1:0 Papunashvili 34’ 2:0 Tchanturishvili 53’ 3:0 Mikeltadze 61’ 4:0 Jighauri 79’

Booked: Makharadze 69’ Zarandia 74’ Rene 82’


Dinamo: Revishvili, Lobzhanidze, Khubutia, Rene, Lochoshvili, Tsintsadze, Kiteishvili (Chakvetadze 85), Papunashvili (Ninua 82), Jighauri, Tchanturishvili, Mikeltadze (Zaria 76)

Locomotive: Tevdoradze, Getiashvili, Chiteishvili (Kiknadze 60), Klimiashvili (Kikava 79), Kukhianidze, Diasamidze, Khidesheli, Makharadze, Ardazishvili (Vatsadze 54), Zarandia, Ubilava


Referee: Giorgi Vadachkoria



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