Dinamo is in Georgian Cup semi-final

Today Georgian Cup quarter final match took place at Dinamo Arena. Tbilisi derby finished with the victory of our team 3:1. In the beginning of the match on 8th minute Revaz Tevdoradze repelled Jaba Jighauri’s kick. In response Irakli Klimiashvili kicked from long distance, although Nukri Revishvili repelled on corner. On 25th minute Dinamo’s attack finished with Otar Kiteishvili’s goal-1:0. On 38th minute Otar Kiteishvili performed double. Dinamo started on right wing, Stefan Velev passed and Otar Kiteishvili played well from left wing and kicked exactly 2:0. In a minute Revishvili repelled Giorgi Diasamidze’s kick. On the 10th minute of the second half the guest team started attack, Ubilava had chance to score but Revishvili played well. On 66th minute Vladimer Dvalishvili had chance to score but Locomotive’s goalkeeper played well. On 80th minute Luka Zarandia missed the target. In the next episode Davit Chagelishvili scored-2:1. During additional time Vladimer Dvalishvili performed hattrick and recorded the final result of the match 3:1. On October 23 Dinamo will compete with FC Tskhinvali at Dinamo Arena.

Dinamo 3:1 Locomotive


Goal: 1:0 Kiteishvili 25, 2:0 Kiteishvili 38’ 2:1 Chagelishvili 81, 3:1 Kiteishvili 90+3’


Booked: Klimiashvili 74’ Tsintsadze 89’


Dinamo: Revishvili, Velev, Khubutia (Mikeltadze 56), Amisulashvili, Tchelidze, Tsintsadze, Parunashvili, Jighauri (Tchanturishvili 81), Kiteishvili, Tevzadze, Dvalishvili (Liluashvili 90+3)


Locomotive: Tevdoradze, Popkhadze, Chiteishvili, Klimiashvili, Diasamidze, Khidesheli (Chagelishvili 46), Kikava, Makharadze, Gabadze, Zarandia, Ubilava


Referee: Lasha Silagava



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