Dinamo played draw with FC Shukura

Dinamo Arena hosted fifth round match in which FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Shukura. In the beginning our team passed two corners. Jaba Jighauri was the first who tried to score. The goal was followed by the third corner. After several passes Aleksandre Amisulashvili received ball from Ucha Lobzhanidze and scored 1:0. On 21st minute Otar Kiteishvili was injured and left the field. He was substituted by Stefan Velev. The guest team conceded a free kick and Aleksandre Guruli equalized the score 1:1. The match continued in tension. In the end of the first half the host team attacked dangerously. Ucha Lobzhanidze repelled Arziani’s kick.

Dinamo started the second half with substitution. Giorgi Zaria entered the field instead of Ucha Lobzhanidze. On 57th minute Giorgi Papunashvili had chance to score but defenders played well. On 62nd minute Shukura was saved once more. Jaba Jighauri kicked from short distance, the ball touched defender and went on corner. In the next attack Jaba Jighauri missed the target again. On 81st minute he kicked from long distance, although Dzhioev saved his team. In the end of the match Stefan Velev issed the target. On the second minute of additional time Vladimer Dvalishvili played technically, passed to Giorgi Papunashvili, but defender repelled. In spite of big priority in the second half Dinamo couldn’t score and finished the match with draw 1:1. Our team will play the next match on September 17 against FC Locomotive at Mikheil Meskhi stadium.

Dinamo 1:1 Shukura

Goal: 1:0 Amisulashvili 10’ 1:1 Guruli 24’

Booked: Lobzhanidze 41’ Arziani 41’ Rene 74’ Malania 80’

Dinamo: Scribe, Tevzadze, Amisulashvili, Rene, Lobzhanidze (Zaria 46), Parunashvili (Mikeltadze 73), Tsintsadze, Papunashvili, Kiteishvili (Velev 24), Jighauri, Dvalishvili

Shukura: Dzhioev, Komakhidze, Mirtskhulava, Tchezhia, Chachua, Sabadze, Arziani, Guruli (Malania 73), Konieha (Shalamberidze 87), Omanidze (Mamulashvili 60), Kutalia

Referee: Giorgi Kruashvili



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