Dinamo defeated Samtredia

Today Erovnuli Liga IV round match was held in Samtredia. FC Samtredia hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi. The host team created the first dangerous moment on the fifth team. Davit Chagelishvili kicked but Litovchenko received the ball. In response, Beka Mikeltadze attacked, although he missed the target. In the next episode, Saba Lobzhanidze kicked but goalkeeper saved his team. On 14th minute our rival was saved once more. Mikeltadze kicked and Lobzhanidze had chance to score but Migineishvili repelled. After that Lobzhanidze kicked from corner, Arabuli received the ball and kicked header but inexactly. On 39th minute Teimuraz Markoishvili was left alone in front of Litovchenko, but our goalkeeper played better. In a minute Bogdan Mishenko kicked from right wing, Totadze received the ball and passed to Beka Mikeltadze, who scored the first goal. The first half finished with such score. The host team created the first dangerous moment in the second half. On 55th minute Giorgi Datunaishvili kicked from penalty area but Dinamo footballers repelled. On 62nd minute Giorgi Mchedlishvili kicked, although door log saved our team. On 69th minute Sergei Litovchenko repelled Giorgi Datunaishvili’s kick on corner. On 72nd minute Dinamo had  areal chance to score but Saba Lobzhanidze failed to score. In three minutes Giorgi Papunashvili kicked from the center of the field, Saba Lobzhanidze received the ball and scored. Finally, Dinamo defeated the rival with the score 2:0. Our team will play the next match at Dinamo Arena on April 5 against FC Chikhura Sachkhere.

Samtredia 0:2 Dinamo 

Goal: 0:1 Mikeltadze 40’  0:2 Lobzhanidze 75’ 

Booked:  Mishenko 27’  Gvelesiani 54’  Totadze 64’  Chagelishvili 67’ 


Samtredia: Migineishvili, Sukhomlinov (Mchedlishvili 46), Sandokhadze, Gogiashvili, Akhaladze, Datunaishvili, Kasradze (Jikia 58), Markozashvili, Razhamashvili, Chagelishvili, Samushia (Beriashvili 68)

Dinamo: Litovchenko, Totadze, Gvelesiani, Lochoshvili, Mishenko (Salukvadze 89), Kardava, Zaria, Mikeltadze, Lobzhanidze, Chakvetadze (Papunashvili 68), Arabuli (Kutsia 84)


Referee: D, Kharitonashvili

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