Victory with FC Dinamo Batumi

Today Erovnuli Liga VI round match took place at Chele Arena in Kobuleti. FC Dinamo Batumi hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi. Before the match teams respected heroes of April 9, 1989 with minute’s silence. Our team started the match actively and kicked two corners. Beka Mikeltadze kicked but inexactly. After that Bachana Arabuli failed to score. On 16th minute our team created fast attack. Bogdan Mishenko kicked but Bachana Arabuli couldn’t reach the ball in the last moment. Lasha Salukvadze kicked straight to door from corner, but door log saved Batumi. In the next episode Litovchenko played well. In several minutes our goalkeeper repelled Tornike Tarkhnishvili’s kick on corner. The first half finished. Dinamo Tbilisi started the second half actively. Saba Lobzhanidze kicked after Giorgi Papunashvili’s kick, but Tomofeev played well. In 10 minutes Litovchenko saved his team from Teimuraz Shonia’s kick. On 75th minute Giorgi Papunashvili played well, passed defender and gave ball to Saba Lobzhanidze who failed to score. In 10 minute Lobzhanidze passed to Kiteishvili, but goalkeeper repelled. On 90th minute our team managed to score. Chakvetadze passed to Lobzhanidze on the left wing, who gave ball to Mikeltadze. Mikeltadze kicked exactly and scored. Dinamo Tbilisi will play the next match on April 13 against FC Shukura Kobuleti at Dinamo Arena.  

Dinamo Batumi  0:1  Dinamo Tbilisi


Goal: 0:1 Mikeltadze 90’ 

Booked: Salukvadze 60’  Tarkhnishvili 90+3’ 


Dinamo Batumi: Timofeev, Sukhiashvili, Gogitidze, Kvirkvelia (Mgeladze 70), Kenedi, Tevdoradze (Shonia 46), Tarkhnishvili, Kavtaradze, Partenadze, Kvasov (Plamirion 64), Poniava


Dinamo Tbilisi: Litovchenko, MIshenko, Salukvadze, Gvelesiani, Lochoshvili, Kardava, Kiteishvili, Lobzhanidze, Mikeltadze (Kapianidze 94), Papunashvili (Zaria 81), Arabuli (Chakvetadze 59)


Referee: G. Kikacheishvili

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