Dinamo defeated FC Chikhura

FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Chikhura in Erovnuli Liga IV round match at Dinamo Arena and defeated the rival with the score 2:1. Our team started the match actively and created the first dangerous attack on the third minute. Bacha Arabuli kicked but failed to score. In response Nika Gelashvili attacked, but Lasha Salukvadze saved his team. On 11th minute Litovchenko repelled Giorgi Ganugrava’s kick on corner. In the next episode Beka Mikeltadze attacked from right wing, passed to Giorgi Chakvetadze, who scored the first goal. In a minute our team had chance to score the second goal but Mikeltadze kicked inexactly. In the middle of the first half the teams played in the center. On 37th minute Dinamo started attack. Bachara Arabuli kicked from good position but defender saved Chikhura. Our team started the second half with substitution. Giorgi Papunashvili substituted Chakvetadze. On 65th minute Litovchenko repelled Tornike Gorgiashvili’s kick. In four minutes Giorgi Ivanishvili equalized the score 1:1. During the last 15 minutes Dinamo attacked and scored the second goal on 85th minute. Giorgi Zaria scored 2:1. Referee added five minutes additional time. In this period Arabuli and Papunashvili had chances to score. Finally Dinamo defeated Chikhura. Our team will play the next match on April 9 in Kobuleti against FC Dinamo Batumi.


Dinamo  2:1  Chikhura


Goal: 1:0 Chakvetadze 12’  1:1 Ivanishvili 69’  2:1 Zaria 85’ 

Booked: Gelashvili 55’  Totadze 57’  Sardalishvili 84’  Chikvaidze 88’  Tchelidze 89’ 


Dinamo: Litovchenko, Totadze, Salukvadze, Lochoshvili, Mishenko, Kardava, Kiteishvili, Lobzhanidze, Mikeltadze (Zaria 77), Chakvetadze (Papunashvili 46), Arabuli (Kutsia 90+4)

Chikhura: Hamzic, Mirtskhulava, Ganugrava (Ivanishvili 61), Gegechkori (Sardalishvili 61), Gabedava, Kakubava, Chikvaidze, Tchelidze, Kashia, Gorgiashvili (Dobrovolski 84), Gelashvili


Referee: J.Khorava

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