Loss with FC Chikhura

Today Erovnuli Liga 14th round match took place at Ivantsminda central stadium, in which FC Chikhura hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi. Our team attacked the rival from the first minutes. Bachana Arabuli kicked but missed the target. The match went on with attacks of both teams. On 22nd minute Giorgi Ganugrava scored the first goal 1:0. In five minutes Chikhura scored the second goal. Dimitri Tatanashvili kicked exactly from penalty area. Dinamo attacked, Saba Lobzahnidze kicked but Bakar Mirtskhulava repelled the ball with hand. Referee sent of Chikhura’s footballer and appointed penalty. Bachana Arabuli kicked exactly and scored 2:1. The first half finished with this score. The second half started actively. On 55th minute Myshenko attacked from right wing, but goalkeeper saved Chikhura from Saba Lobzhanidze on the last minute. The match continued with Dinamo’s territorial priority but in spite of many chances our team couldn’t score. Finally the match finished with Chikhura’s victory 2:1. Our team will play the next match on May 28 at Dinamo Arena against FC Dinamo Batumi.  

Chikhura  2:1  Dinamo


Goal: 1:0 Ganugrava 22’  2:0 Tatanashvili (pen) 27’  2:1 Arabuli (pen) 43’ 

Booked: Totadze 26’  Lochoshvili 35’  Mirtskhulava 36’ Gvelesiani 65’ Kakubava 67’  Dobrovolski 90’ 


Chikhura: Hamzic, Mirtskhulava, Ganugrava, Sardalishvili (Kakubava 44), Koripadze, Tatanashvili (Gelashvili 82), Chikvaidze, Dobrovolski, Kashia, Gorgiashvili, Dekanoidze (Ivanishvili 67)

Dinamo: Litovchenko, Totadze, Lochoshvili, Gvelesiani, Myshenko (Papunashvili 80), Kardava, Kiteishvili, Zaria (Chakvetadze 61), Mikeltadze, Lobzhanidze (Tevzadze 68), Arabuli


Referee: J. Khorava



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