Dinamo renewed Erovnuli Liga with victory

Today Erovnuli Liga XIX round match was held at Dinamo Arena. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Kolkheti Poti. The host team scored the first goal in the beginning of the match, when Lasha Totadze kicked exactly on 7th minute. In three minutes Giorgi Chakvetadze and Mikheil Ergemlidze had chance to score, but door log repelled the ball. On 19th minute Akaki Shulaia played actively against goalkeeper and Beka Mikeltadze managed to score the second goal. After that Dinamo could score twice. In the first episode Chakvetadze played well, but Mikeltadze couldn’t receive his pass. In the second episode Mikeltadze kicked inexactly. On 43rd minute Dinamo managed to score the third goal. Beka Mikeltadze passed to Giorgi Chakvetadze who kicked exactly and scored 3:0. Dinamo started the second half actively and on 53rd minute Davit Kobouri started attack. Shulaia-Mikeltadze’s combination was followed by his goal. On 67th minute Beka Mikeltadze kicked but door log saved FC Kolkheti again. In two minutes Giorgi Tevzadze scored the fifth goal after Akaki Shulaia’s pass. After that Kolkheti attacked and Igor Brovko scored. On 85th minute door log saved our rival from Nika Ninua’s strong kick. In the next episode Lasha Kochladze scored his first goal and recorded the final result of the match 6:1. Dinamo will play the next match on July 29 against FC Locomotive. Tbilisi derby will take place at Mikheil Meskhi stadium.  

Dinamo 6:1  Kolkheti


Goal: 1:0 Totadze 7’  2:0 Mikeltadze 19’  3:0 Chakvetadze 43’  4:0 Mikeltadze 53’  5:0 Tevzadze 69’  5:1 Brovko 70’  6:1 Kochladze 87’ 

Booked: Otieno 38’ 


Dinamo: Revishvili, Totadze, Kobouri, Salukvadze, Gegechkori, Kardava, Kutsia (Ninua72), Egemlidze (Tevzadze 52), Chakvetadze, Shulaia (Kochladze 85), Mikeltadze

Kolkheti: Sepiashvili, G.Kilasonia, Gogonaia, Nondi, Kakulia, Dafe, Otieno (Macharia 57), Janelidze, Zhishkariani, Bakhia (Brovko 62), Bukhaidze (Derebchinski 69)


Referee: I. Kvirikashvili



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