Draw with FC Saburtalo

Today Davit Petriashvili stadium in Tbilisi hosted Erovnuli Liga 35th round match. FC Sabutalo hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi. The match started in high speed. It’s worth mentioning that strong wind blew during the whole match. The first dangerous moment was created on 18th minute. Otar Kiteishvili kicked but missed the target. In a minute Dinamo missed chance to score. Lasha Kochladze kicked, Beka Kavtaradze reached the ball but Lazare Kupatadze repelled the ball. After 20 minutes Lasha Kochladze had chance to score but failed. The first half finished this way. The second half started with two dangerous moments. At first Beka Mikeltadze kicked inexactly and then Litovchenko repelled Lasha Shindagoridze’s kick. On 53rd minute Kupatadze saved FC Saburtalo when repelled Levan Gegechkori’s kick. Dinamo attacked. Young footballers Zuka Davitashvili and Khvicha Kvaratskhelia entered the field. On 74th minute Kiteishvili attacked, kicked but goalkeeper repelled. Dinamo attacked till the last minute but couldn’t score and the match finished with draw 0:0. Champion of Georgia will be revealed in the 36th round. Tbilisi derby will take place on November 26 at 17:00 at Dinamo Arena.


Saburtalo  0:0  Dinamo

Booked: Nadaraia 69’  Volkov, 90’  Totadze 90’  Kiteishvili 92’ 

Saburtalo: Kupatadze, Chabradze, Margvelashvili, Nadaraia, Grigalashvili, Tera (Mamuchashvili 60), Tarkhnishvili, Kharaishvili ©, Mueci, Shindagoridze (Gvaradze 60), Volkov

Dinamo: Litovchenko, Gegechkri, Salukvadze, Totadze, Kobouri, Kutsia (Liluashvili 88), Kiteishvili ©, Kochladze (Davitashvili 60), Shulaia, Mikeltadze, Kavtaradze (Kvaratskhelia 67)

Referee  G.Kruashvili

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