Tbilisi derby finished with Dinamo’s victory

Today Erovnuli Liga 2nd round match took place at Mikheil Meskhi reserve stadium. FC Locomotive hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi. This match was anniversary-the 900th match for Dinamo in national championship.

On 21st minute Teimuraz Shonia opened the score with strong kick. Before that Dmitro Ivanisenia and Vato Arveladze kicked. On 34th minute Dinamo attacked from right wing. Akaki Shulaia kicked but Budu Zivzivadze couldn’t reach the ball in the last minute. In the next episode Revaz Tevdoradze repelled Lasha Totadze’s kick. After that Otar Kiteishvili changed direction to Giorgi Ivanishvili’s kick. Dinamo’s attempts gained result on 40th minute. Otar Kiteishvili equalized the score. In 4 minutes Giorgi Ivanishvili scored his first goal in our team. The first half finished with such score. The second half started with Akaki Shulaia’s dangerous header although he missed the target a bit. On 53rd minute Budu Zivzidaze scored the 3rd goal. In several minutes Levan Kharabadze kicked but inexactly. After that the match continued quietly. On 83rd minute Dinamo’s captain recorded the final result of the match. Otar Kiteishvili scored the fourth goal with technical kick. Dinamo celebrated the anniversary match with victory. On March 16 our team will play 3rd round match against FC Samtredia at Dinamo Arena. 


Locomotive 1:4  Dinamo

Goal: 1:0 Shonia 21’  1:1 Kiteishvili 40’  1:2 Ivanishvili 44’  1:3 Shulaia 53’  1:4 Kiteishvili 83’

Booked: Rukhaia 28’


Locomotive: Tevdoradze, Kurdadze, Tchanturia, Shonia, Gvalia (Komakhidze 62), Gavashelishvili, Davitashvili, Arveladze (Jikia 70), Gabadze, Ubilava (Kobakhidze 78), Samurkasov

Dinamo: Buliskeria, Rukhaia, Totadze, Kobouri, Kharabadze, Kardava, Ivanisenia (Kutsia 31), Shulaia, Kiteishvili (Ninua 87), Ivanishvili, Zivzivadze (Ergemlidze 77)


Referee: I.Kvirikashvili

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