Dinamo finished Georgian derby with victory

Today FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Torpedo Kutaisi in Erovnuli Liga 4th round match at Dinamo Arena. Georgian derby started with Dinamo’s attack. Kiteishvili-Kharabadze-Ivanishvili’s combination finished with inexact kick. In the next attack Roin Kvaskhvadze repelled Ivanisenia’s kick.  On 10th minute Dinamo missed real chance to score. Ivanisenia had chance to score into empty door, but door log saved Torpedo. After 2 minutes Budu Zivzivadze improved mistake of his team mate and scored with exact kick. In the center of the field Giorgi Kutsia played well, passed to Otar Kiteishvili who gave chance to Budu Zivzivadze to score - 1:0. Akaki Shulaia missed a good chance to score. On the last minute of the first half referee abolished Giorgi Kutsia’s goal because of offside. After that Budu Zivzivadze scored the second goal after Giorgi Ivanishvili’s good pass. The second half started in lower speed. On 50th minute the guest team created a dangerous attack, although Levan Kutalia couldn’t kick exactly. Dinamo attacked more on and 63rd minute Roin Kvaskhvadze saved his team from Giorgi Ivanishvili’s goal. In response Beka Tughushi kicked, but missed the target.  10 minutes were left before finishing the match                      and Budu Zivzivadze had chance to score the third goal, but Kvaskhvadze played well. Finally Dinamo defeated Torpedo with the score 2:0 and gained the third victory in turn.

Dinamo  2:0  Torpedo

Goal: 1:0 Zivzivadze o12’  2:0 Zivzivadze 45’

Booked: Buliskeria 45’  Kutalia 57’  Kutsia 77’ 

Dinamo: Buliskeria, Rukhaia, Totadze, Kobouri, Kharabadze, Ivanisenia (Dzalamidze 73), Kutsia (Kochladze 87), Shulaia (Ninua 90), Kiteishvili, Ivanishvili, Zivzivadze

Torpedo: Kvaskhvadze, Tabatadze, Khurtsilava, Tsikaridze (Kukhianidze 73), Dolidze (Sardalishvili 68), Kimadze, Lipartia, Gigauri, Guruli, Kapanadze (Tughushi 13), Kutalia

Referee: P. Macharadze

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