Dinamo defeated Kolkheti with big score

Erovnuli Liga 8th round match took place at Dinamo Arena. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Kolkheti Poti. Participant teams of international tournament Vitali Daraselia Cup attended the match. Dinamo gained priority from the beginning and created many dangerous attacks. On 13th minute our team scored the first goal. Otar Kiteishvili played well, passed the rival, kicked and Budu Zivzivadze finished his attack - 1:0. In the next attack Akaki Shulaia had chance to score, but goalkeeper repelled. On 35th minute Budu Zivzivadze could score after Levan Kharabadze’s pass. In several minutes Otar Kiteishvili attacked and Kokheti footballer was booked. Captain kicked penalty exactly and scored the second goal-2:0. The first half finished with this score. In the beginning of the second match Otar Kiteishvili scored the 3rd goal. After that another penalty was appointed in favor of Dinamo. Budu Zivzivadze failed to score penalty. Dinamo Tbilisi had huge priority during the whole match, although Kolkheti managed to score one goal.  On 81st minute Lasha Gogonaia scored with header after receiving ball from corner. In several minutes Levan Kharabadze scored the 4th goal. During the last minutes Dinamo created several attacks but the score didn’t change and the match finished with Dinamo’s victory 4:1. Dinamo has 18 points and shares the first place with FC Saburtalo in the table.


Dinamo  4:1  Kolketi


Goal: 1:0 Zivzivadze 13’ 2:0 Kiteishvili (pen) 39’ 3:0 Kiteishvili 47’3:1 Gogonaia 81’ 4:1 Kharabadze 85’

Booked: Gogoberishvili 28’ Ninua 32’ Gogonaia 47’Danilov 53’


Dinamo: Buliskiria, Rukhaia,Totadze, Kobouri, Kharabadze, Ninua (Dartsmelia 87), Ivanisenia (Kochladze 76), Shulaia, O. Kiteishvili, Ivanishvili, Zivzivadze (Babunadze 81)

Kolkheti: Poltavtsev, Gogonaia, Ponomarev, Danilov, Mikhalov, Jimsheleishvili, Kabore, Cheishvili, Tkemaladze, Kvasov (Imnadze 53), Gogberashvili (Kvernadze 86)


Referee: G.Avazashvili

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