Draw with FC Samtredia

Today Erovnuli Liga 21st round match took place at Dinamo Arena, in which FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Samtredia. Footballers and spectators of the match paid tribute to the memory of Tedo Kakulia and Tata Revishvili. The host team started the match actively and on 9th minute Akaki Shulaia missed a real chance to score. In ten minutes Mate Vatsadze kicked but missed the target. In the end of the first half Mate Vatsadze had one more chance but the ball missed the door in centimeters. After that Levan Kharabadze kicked inexactly. Dinamo had full priority during the first half. The second half started with the attack of our team. Mate Vatsadze kicked header after Akaki Shulaia’s pass, but goalkeeper repelled in the last minute. On 58th minute Levan Shengelia substituted Davit Kobouri. On 65th minute Akaki Shulaia kicked but at first goalkeeper and then door log repelled the ball. In three minutes Bakar Kardava played well during Samtredia’s counter attack. After that Shulaia-Vatsadze’s combination could score bit ball overcame the door. In the end of the match Totadze and Levan Shengelia had chances to score, although the ball missed the target in both episodes. Finally the match finished without goals.  


Dinamo  0:0  Samtredia


Booked: Totadze 42’  Lochoshvili 69’  Gogiashvili 71’  Jgerenaia 88’ 


Dinamo: Sikach, Rukhaia, Totadze, Lochoshvili, Kharabadze, Ninua, Kardava (Zaria 68), Shulaia, Kobouri (Shengelia 58), Vatsadze, Zivzivadze

Samtredia: Pogoril, Gogiashvili, Jgerenaia, Guruli (Fatich 74), Akhaladze, Chachua, Mesiachenko (Mamasakhlisi), Lipartia (Makatsaria 64), Endeladze, Tughushi, Koshman


Referee: G. Kruashvili

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