Dinamo defeated FC Dila Gori

Dinamo Arena hosted 8th round match in which FC Dinamo Tbilisi competed with FC Dila Gori. The guest team created the first dangerous moment of the match. On 8th minute Jose Perales saved his team twice. In response Nika Ninua kicked from long distance although defender played well. On 33rd minute of the match Fran Carbia opened the score. Before that Giorgi Papava created a good attack. Also Akaki Shulaia had chance to score the second goal, but Luka Gugeshashvili repelled.  In the first half Dinamo attacked for several times but the score hadn’t changed. Dinamo gained priority in the beginning of the second half, although it missed counter attack in one moment that finished with dangerous penalty kick. Nondi kicked but without result. In the middle of the second half Levan Shengelia entered the pitch and created two dangerous attacks. On 67th minute Giorgi Zaria gave a good pass to Victor Mongil, but he failed to score. On 73rd minute both teams had chances to change the score.  At first Jose Perales repelled the ball kicked from short distance and then Akaki Shulaia missed the target in centimeters. In five minutes Levan Shengelia kicked from right wing, Akaki Shulaia received the ball and kicked but missed the target again. The guest team tried the score during the last minutes, but in vain. Finally the match finished with Dinamo’s victory 1:0. Our team will play the next match on April 16. Georgian Cup 1/16 final will take place in Martvili against FC Egrisi Senaki.  


Dinamo  1:0  Dila


Goal1:0 Carbia 33’ 

Booked: Papava 50’  Nondi 68’  Goshteliani 90’ 


Dinamo: Perales, Rukhaia, Medioub, Mongil, Kobouri, Ninua (Ivanisenya 84), Papava, Zaria (Kardava 74), Shulaia, Carbia (Shengelia 60), Kutalia

Dila: Gugeshashvili, Giorbelidze, Mirtskhulava (Spanderashvili 65), Chaduneli, Nondi, Razmadze, Nonikashvili (Lamptey 75), Njoku (Paim 82), Goshteliani, Eriks de Souza, Grigalashvili


Referee:  D. Kharitonashvili

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