The fifth victory in turn

Dinamo Arena hosted Erovnuli Liga 19th round match, in which FC Dinamo Tbilisi competed with FC Chikhura Sachkhere. The host team created the first dangerous moment on 8th minute and Nodar Iashvili passed from right wing, but Levan Kutalia missed the target from short distance. In the next episode defender saved his team from Kutalia’s kick. On 15th minute Levan Shengelia attacked alone and Hamzich repelled on the last minute. Goalkeeper also repelled Nika Ninua’s kick from long distance. On 28th minute Ukrainian defender Oleksandr Kapliienko was injured in his first match in FC Dinamo Tbilisi and he was substituted by Davit Kobouri. On 37th minute Dinamo had two chances to score. At first Chikhura’s goalkeeper repelled Mongil’s kick on corner and the Medioub kicked but ball overcame the door. The teams started the second half in lower speed. On 80th minute Dinamo’s fast attack was stopped and Nika Ninua performed free kick exactly and scored. After that Shota Kashia received the second yellow card and Nika Ninua also had to leave the field. Finally Dinamo gained the fifth victory in turn and has 4 points difference with the team on the first place. Our team will play the next match on June 27 in Bolnisi against local FC Sioni.


Dinamo  1:0  Chikhura

Goal: 1:0 Ninua 80’ 

Booked: Chikvaidze 43’  Ninua 46’ 89’  Kashia 79’ 87’

Sent off: Kashia 87’  Ninua 89’


Dinamo: Perales, Iashvili, Mongil, Medioub, Kapliienko (Kobouri 28), Ivanisenya (Kardava 60), Papava (Kukhianidze 52), Ninua, Shengelia, Shulaia, Kutalia

Chikhura: Hamzic, Mamasakhlisi (Ionanidze 84), Markozashvili, Maisashvili, Makharoblidze, Koripadze, Dekanoidze (Pantsulaia 72), Sardalishvili, Chikvaidze (Chikhladze 51), Megrelishvili, Kashia


Referee: T. Rukhaia

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