Stopped match in Kutaisi

Today in Kutaisi, Ramaz Shengelia Stadium hosted Georgian derby. Before the match, Anzor Mekvabishvili, the vice-captain of Dinamo, got injured and young Levan Osikmashvili, who was brought up by our academy, appeared and this match turned out to be his debut in the first team.


Both teams started the match actively and exchanged sharp moments for the 7th minute. At first, Ousmane Camara missed the goal of the hosts with a short shot from the penalty area, and in response, Giorgi Kukhianidze's shot went over the door of Dinamo. Giorgi Gabedava continued the quick attack of Tbilisi on the 16th minute of the match with one touch, Barnes Osei shot strongly and Dino Hamzich opened the door of Kutaisi. In the fifth minute, the visitors' door escaped the missed goal. Giorgi Arabidze's shot was repulsed. Half an hour after the start of the match, the attack of Dinamo was crowned with results. Barnes Osei found Giorgi Gabedava in the penalty area, who took the Torpedo goal 0-1 with a powerful shot in the ninth. Nothing changed in the first half.


A tougher game was in full swing in the second half. The hosts tried to make up the difference, while the visitors responded with increasingly fierce counterattacks. Sandro Kalandadze opened the door of Dinamo in the middle of the half, who took the ball out of the virtually unprotected door. At the 82nd minute of the match, Tbilisi started a quick counterattack, Stanislav Bilenkyi avoided several opponents at high speed, broke into the penalty area and found Tornike Kirkitadze, who was alone at the door, who scored Torpedo's second goal. At the 89 th minute, Kutaisi team conceded one goal with an accurate shot by Irakli Bugridze, and the referee added 7 minutes to the match.In the remaining time, the situation at Ramaz Shengelia Stadium became unmanageable, the fans of the host team invaded the field and the match was stopped by the decision of the officials. The GFF Disciplinary and Football Dispute Resolution Committee will discuss the incident in the coming days.


"The confrontation between Torpedo Kutaisi and Dinamo Tbilisi was stopped at the end of the match due to the unrest at the stadium. Due to the developments on the ground, it became impossible to continue the match. As a result, the match officials decided not to continue the match between Torpedo Kutaisi and Dinamo Tbilisi. The mentioned incident will be handed over to the GFF Disciplinary and Football Dispute Resolution Committee. "- © erovnuliliga.ge


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